Why We Insist on Track Mounted Fishing Accessories
By: Mark Romanack The back of the author’s boat all rigged up for long-lining crappie. Track mounted fishing systems are the most...

Getting the “Drop Shot” on Bass
By: Mark Romanack When it comes to smallmouth bass, Jake Romanack’s favorite set up is casting a drop shot rig. When the heat of summer...

Capitalizing on Crappie
By: Mark Romanack The author spends more time every year targeting crappie. Fish like this black crappie are abundant, they grow to...

Catch and Release
By: Mark Romanack Owning a fishing license does’t give you the right to keep fish, it gives you the right to fish. Keeping fish is a...

The Cold Hard Facts about Crankbaits
By: Mark Romanack Paige Romanack holds two good reasons to bundle up and target walleye with crankbaits when the water is cold. The cold...

The Versatile Off Shore Tackle Planer Boards
By: Mark Romanack The author has been fishing Off Shore Tackle in-line boards and line releases from the beginning. No other line up of...

The Walleye Spoon Bite Begins
By: Mark Romanack Jake Romanack of Fishing 411 TV fights a summer walleye while Gabe VanWormer captures all the action for a Fishing 411...

Learning Never Stops
By: Mark Romanack Captain Eric is about to scoop another Lake Erie walleye. Note how stained the water is. In stained water the more...

Understanding Walleye Spinners
By: Mark Romanack Harnesses are one of our favorite ways to catch walleye. This shot of Jake Romanack from Fishing 411 TV was taken on...

How Much Lead Core will Fit on that Reel?
By: Mark Romanack Lead core is a sinking line that fishes beautifully when targeting suspended fish in open water. Most anglers fish lead...

Trolling for Smallmouth?
By: Mark Romanack Early in the year, big smallmouth like this can be found using side imaging technology such as that provided by...

Brown Town
By: Mark Romanack Matt Yablonsky of Wet Net Charters in Wilson, NY has caught as many brown trout as anyone on the Great Lakes. Western...

A Face Only a Mother Could Love
By: Mark Romanack A channel catfish has a face only a mother could love, but these abundant fish fight hard and are a lot of fun to...

The PWC is Available in 18 New Colors
By: Mark Romanack The Precise Walleye Crank or PWC has become an immediate success among avid walleye trollers. The Bill Lewis PWC is...

Do I Need Tabs?
By: Mark Romanack The rougher the water gets, the more tabs help to keep the boat level and running dry. More and more these days we are...

Suspension Seats Rock
By: Mark Romanack The staff of Fishing 411 TV spends an enormous amount of time on big water chasing lots of different fish species. The...

Landing Nets Aren’t Clubs
By: Mark Romanack Coated mesh bags on landing nets are better than regular mesh when it comes to getting fish and hooks free....

Addressing Lithium Technology Head On
By: Mark Romanack Late in 2023 Fishing 411 TV made the decision to rig their boats with lithium batteries for the house battery and also...

Sport Shows are Relevant
By: Mark Romanack Both Mark and Jake will be on hand at the Outdoorama and Ultimate Sport Shows coming up in February and March to...

The Value of Good Rain Gear
By: Mark Romanack The Striker Brand Adrenaline Suit is available in both men and women models. At Fishing 411 TV we just about live in...