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The Versatile Off Shore Tackle Planer Boards

By: Mark Romanack

The author has been fishing Off Shore Tackle in-line boards and line releases from the beginning. No other line up of in-line boards are even close when it comes to versatility. Literally, there is a OST board for every species and every trolling situation.

​ There are many things I like about the Off Shore Tackle OR12, the OR38 and the OR37. Each of these in-line planer boards has a time and place in the trolling scene. Size differences aside, what all three of these boards have in common is perhaps the greatest value of investing in Off Shore Tackle products.

​ Each of these popular in-line planer boards can be rigged a number of different ways suitable for a wide variety of trolling applications. A wealth of different line releases and line clips produced by Off Shore Tackle readily fit on all three of these in-line boards. The beauty of this situation is that no matter what species an angler might be targeting or what line type they prefer, an Off Shore Board can be rigged to perform flawlessly.

​ If you’re that guy who trolls with super braids, OST has the ideal line releases and clips for fishing braid. Monofilament guy? No problem, OST also produces a host of releases and clips designed to function with nylon monofilament and co-polymer lines.

​ You want your boards rigged to release? No problem. What if you prefer to keep the board fixed on the line when fighting fish? Again, no problem.

Off Shore Tackle produces exceptional products that are made in America. They also have impeccable customer support and are available everywhere fishing tackle is sold.

​ What about articulating flag kits? Off Shore Tackle was the first to introduce an articulating flag known as the Tattle Flag System. What if you already have the boards, releases and flags? You can purchase an Economy Tattle Flag Kit that provides the washer, spring, linkage arm and necessary hardware for a modest fee.

​ So if you use boards to target crappie and panfish, OST has you covered. If you live to troll for walleye, the OR12 is the planer board all others are compared to. What if you troll the heavy metal? Again, not a problem because the SST Pro Mag will pull anything a trout, salmon, musky or saltwater angler covets!!

​ In short, if there were one word to describe the line up of in-line boards offered by OST, it would be versatile. No other line up of planer boards can hold a candle to the Off Shore Tackle line up of in-line boards, line releases, line clips and articulating flag kits. That’s exactly why Off Shore Tackle continues to be your Leader in Trolling Technology.

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