Mason Decoy Romanack 8-17-2004 to 7-13-2017
For the past 30 something years I’ve been busy building two businesses and a career in the sport fishing industry. What a lot of our...

Board Fishing For Salmon
A lot of anglers are fishing sinking lines for salmon these days, but many don’t realize how much weight the standard OR12 Side Planer...

No Wiring Worries
Back in the day rigging a walleye fishing boat used to take me a few hours and a few bucks in wire, electrical connectors and basic hand...

Getting The Max Out Of Minis
Bruce DeShano of Off Shore Tackle holds a nice crappie taken with the new Awesome Crappie Board. The new floating chamber helps this...

The Outdoor Lifestyle On Demand
Outdoor writer and TV host Mark Romanack takes a still photo of Josh Crabtree while filming an episode of Fishing 411 on the Kalamazoo...

Color Me Crazy
These days everyone is color crazy when it comes to crankbaits. A host of custom color options are providing anglers a bewildering amount of

A New Site and A New Blog
The new fishing411.net website Fishing 411 has a new home on the internet. Fishing411.net has been redesigned with a fresh look and...

Generation Next, Great Lakes Fishing Boats
By Mark Romanack The Phantom 222 and 202 Off Shore models pictured here represent a whole new generation of open water fishing boats for...

Pikein’ with Plastics
By Mark Romanack These days soft plastic baits have become deeply engrained in just about every pike fishing presentation in my bag of...

Greeting Ice Out with a Utility Boat
By Mark Romanack As an angler who views ice out like a kid views the coming of Christmas, I can say with conviction that I will be ready...

Precision Trolling Data App Questions & Answers
The 182 lures and devices featured in Version 1 represent the best of the best in crankbait brands and models plus a host of new lures...

Precision Trolling Testing Never Gets Old
Anyone who enjoys the art of trolling crankbaits and other fishing hardware has undoubtedly asked themselves…. “How deep are my lures...

The 196 Fishmaster Served Me Well
Not many fishermen have owned as many boats as I have. In the past 30 something years I’ve owned and fishedfrom as many boats. Getting a...