By: Mark Romanack

The author would not dream of targeting salmon without his Fish Hawk.
To be honest, our boats these days are well equipped with electronics. Under the Garmin brand we have traditional broad beam sonar, CHIRP sonar, Side-Vu Imagine, GPS Plotters, LiveScope Forward Facing Sonar and Force Kraken Electric Motors. We also mount TrollMaster Digital Throttle Controls, VHF Marine Radios, ZipWake Chine Interceptors and last but certainly not least the Fish Hawk sub-surface trolling speed and temperature probe.
When it comes to trout and salmon fishing, the new Fish Hawk Lithium Ultra helps us monitor important trolling data. These goals are achieved by mounting the probe to our downrigger weight and lowering the probe to depth. Meanwhile, a transducer mounted to the transom of the boat communicates with the probe, providing critical data on the monitor including the probe depth, trolling speed at the surface, trolling speed at depth, water temperature at the surface and water temperature at depth.
All of this data helps in pinpointing the location of temperature sensitive fish like lake trout, salmon and steelhead. This data also makes it easy to confirm your gear is performing as it should at depth.
The new Fish Hawk units feature a sealed probe powered by a lithium rechargeable battery. Going to lithium technology has allowed Fish Hawk to create a probe that is 40% smaller than previous models.

You got to love it when the Fish Hawk is covered in fish slime and water spots! If you troll for trout, salmon or steelhead, you need a Fish Hawk. Period.
The smaller probe size aids in creating less blow back when trolling at faster speeds. The Lithium Ultra also comes with a USB charging pad similar to those employed with cell phones. One charge cycle on the probe will last for several days of fishing and the lithium battery in the probe can be charged thousands of times!
With all the electronics we mount on boats these days, it’s not surprising that some of our followers are asking is all this gear necessary? To be honest, we look at technology as a short cut to better days on the water. Technology helps us maximize our time on the water and makes us more successful anglers day in and day out. Unfortunately, those who play the “stubborn” card are doomed to watch as others reel in more than their fair share of the fish. It’s just that simple.
Every day we spend chasing trout, salmon and steelhead, we have the Fish Hawk Lithium Ultra at our finger tips.